This section of our website is designed to help you be involved in what’s going on around Knowsley and have your say about existing services and new developments.
You will find a series of consultations currently taking place below with links that will take you to particular surveys and consultations that you may wish to take part in.
Tell us your story
How has Covid-19 affected you?
ADASS have formed an Elected Member Social Care Commission to investigate the impact of Covid-19 on people (adults aged 18+), their families and communities and what this tells us about the role our communities should play in supporting people to live independently at home.

Short Breaks for Disabled Children & Young People (0-25) Consultation – help us to shape Knowsley’s offer
Knowsley Council is reviewing its Short Breaks offer, looking at what can be done for children and young people aged 0 to 25, and we would like you to tell us what works well and what could be better. Your feedback will be used to improve services in the near future.
What are Short Breaks?
Short Breaks are intended to give parents/carers of children and young people with disabilities a break from their caring responsibilities. Short breaks should equally provide children and young people with disabilities opportunities to have fun, make friends and develop skills. Short breaks come in a variety of formats and at different times of the day, depending on the type of provision and the needs of the child and their family.
Further Information
Please take a few moments to fill out the questionnaire. All answers will be treated confidentially, please read the KMBC Privacy Notice before you start the survey. If you have any queries or would like to discuss anything about this questionnaire further, please don’t hesitate to contact Paul Simon on 0151 443 4736 or by email
You can complete the survey via the following links –
Young Person’s Consultation –
Parent Carers Consultation –
Deadline date is 13 December 2019
NHS Long Term Plan – What would you do?
Have your say on the future of the NHS in Knowsley today.
The NHS is changing, and it needs your help.
The Government is investing an extra £20bn a year in the NHS as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. Now you can help your local NHS invest in the right support by sharing your ideas with us.
Healthwatch Knowsley has launched ‘What Would You Do?’ to gather feedback from the public on ways to improve local NHS services.
Your views matter
We want to know how you think the NHS can help people live healthier lives, what would make local services better, and how care for people with specific conditions could be better.
Share your views about what would make health services in Knowsley better here
Healthwatch Knowsley will be at St Aloysius Social Club, Crosswood Crescent, Huyton, L36 2QE on Tuesday 30th April between 10am and 3pm (support with transport can be provided on request) – If you would like to come along and share your views, please call us to book a place on 0151 449 3954.
Low Priority Prescribing Consultation
In November 2018, NHSE and NHSCC published the document “Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care: an update and a consultation on further guidance for CCGs”.
The guidance being consulted upon proposes that:
- Aliskiren, Amiodarone, Bath & Shower preparations for dry and pruritic skin conditions, Minocycline for acne or Silk garments should not be prescribed to new patients.
- Cost effective blood glucose testing strips for type 2 diabetes and needles for pre-filled and reusable insulin pens should be prescribed to new patients and deprescribing of high cost options in existing patients.
- Dronedarone should not be prescribed to new patients in primary care and only in exceptional circumstances where there’s a clinical need should it be considered.
Full guidance can be accessed here:
The easy read documentation can be accessed here:
Access to the online consultation can be accessed here:
The consultation closes on 28th February 2019.
How would you like Knowsley to look by 2030?
That’s the question partners across Knowsley are asking people who live, work or study in the borough as part of their work to develop a new long-term vision for the borough.
This work will consider the type of place Knowsley could be and what it could offer the people living and working here in 2030. To be able to do this, we need your help.
What matters to you? What could make a difference to your future?
We want to understand how the people living, working and studying in Knowsley today, feel about the place and what their hopes for the future are. We need people from all parts of the community – residents, businesses, young and old – to share their views, opinions and experience of life here today. We need to know what matters to you and what you would like to see in the future. This isn’t just about the physical environment or facilities but other issues like education,
jobs and health.
We are now beginning a period of in-depth engagement with the community. The new long term strategy for Knowsley will be developed over the next 18 months, will launch in 2020 and run until 2030. You can find out more, and share your views, by completing the online survey or picking up a survey from public buildings across the borough.
You can keep up-to-date as the strategy develops by following @knowsley2030 on Twitter and regular updates will be published on (search 2030).