Have Your Say Archive

This section of our website an archive of the older information designed to help you be involved in what’s going on around Knowsley and have your say about existing services and new developments.

Click here for the latest “Have your say” page

Does your local council charge you for your care and support?

If you haven’t already taken part we want to know about the experiences of people who access support from their local council  and find out how they are charging for care and support and how this effects people who use support. To help us understand these issues we would be extremely grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete this short survey to share your own experiences.  Think link will take you straight to the short survey, the survey is anonymous and we will not publish any material that will identify you. The Survey will be open until 30th June 2018.

You can find out more about why we are carrying out this survey here…


We are wanting to get a big picture of what is happening around charging so please do pass on and share as widely as possible.

– thank you!

Personal health budget holders invited to share their experiences: new survey opens 1st March 

People who are currently in receipt of a personal health budget or integrated personal budget (combining health and social care funding) are invited to share their experiences of a personal health budget in a survey being run by NHS England. Opening on the 1st March 2018 until 31st April, all survey responses will be anonymised and used to help improve how personal health budgets are offered in England.

The survey is being run on behalf of NHS England by an organisation called Quality Health. They have over 30 years’ experience of running NHS surveys and have the necessary data protection and data security accreditation.

Please register your interest or share the link below with people who would be interested in taking part in this survey:


Sarah Walker

Personal Health Budgets Regional Lead: Eastern Region

Integrated Personal Commissioning Site Advisor: Lincolnshire
Personalised Care Group
NHS England
Tel: 07568 431807


Follow us on Twitter @NHSPHB

Friends & Family Test (FFT) – St Helens & Knowsley NHS Trust

We ask all patients to tell us about the standard of care and treatment they receive at our hospitals.

This is called the Friends and Family Test.

The Trust has a number of ways for patients to complete the test, including sending a text message within 24 – 48 hours after discharge, postcards (available from the wards and departments) and online via web links.

We ensure that day case patients or those who attend the Outpatients Department receive one request in a 30 day period; this ensures that they are not asked for feedback too often.

If you have been treated at our hospitals and have not received a request to complete a Friends and Family Test card within 24 – 48 hours of your appointment or discharge and would like to tell us about your experience, please click on the link below and select the relevant department.

FFT questions can be accessed here http://www.sthk.nhs.uk/friendsandfamilytest

You can also access a video about FFT here https://youtu.be/sWEKinEeyLs

Carers Strategy Group

Thursday 16th November, 10.30am—12.30pm, at the Old School House, St. Johns Road, Huyton, L36 0UX


The sessions are specifically for Carers to come along and meet with Healthwatch and Knowsley Council to discuss some of the issues faced by Carers. At the sessions we will be discussing the progress of the Carers Strategy for Knowsley, this will be a great opportunity to share your views and look at how Carers within Knowsley can be supported.

At the November session we will be looking at priorities 5 & 6 within the Carers Strategy:


Priority 5: Carers should be supported to look after their own physical and mental health whilst enabling them to maintain their caring relationship where appropriate.


Priority 6: Carers’ support will be focused on preventing the deterioration in caring situations, by ensuring that service users receive the right support, at the right time and in the right place.

Your input will be valued and attendees from the Knowsley Council Commissioning Team will be in attendance to hear your views. This is an opportunity to have your voice heard and share your experiences as a Carer.


Please note that there won’t be a Carers Strategy Group held in December, the next meeting will be held on Thursday 11th January, in which we will be revisiting the priorities within the Carers Strategy.

If you are interested in coming along to the group or would like more information, please contact Nicky on 0151 449 3954 or email: nicky.greening@healthwatchknowsley.co.uk

Please note that transport is available upon request.

Local Account

Knowsley Council are currently looking for feedback on Adult Social Care Services for the development of the Local Account – a report that explains how well adult social care is doing to support people in their local area.

This is the seventh time we have published a local account in Knowsley. We made lots of changes to the local account in previously years because we wanted to make it better. We wanted the local account to be shaped by the public and what they think of adult social care. We worked closely with the Knowsley Engagement Forum which is a forum that represents lots of public networks. By working together we wanted the local account to be influenced by the people who use adult social care services, their families and carers. This year, we want to build on the work undertaken last year, to make this document more user friendly.

Based upon the discussions with the public, it is likely that the local account will be structured under the following headings:

• Transition from children to adult services
• Younger adults
• Mental health and wellbeing
• Physical disability
• Learning disability
• Carers
• Older people
• Keeping people safe
• Things affecting everyone

You can help by sending anything which helps us answer these 3 key questions:

1. What’s been good?
2. What’s improved in the last 12 months?
3. What needs to improve in 2016/17?

This can be survey results, insight, reports, reviews, strategies, action plans, complaints, compliments, performance information, briefings – anything you think might be useful. We are particularly interested in any case studies you might have.

We would also like you to discuss this at any forums/boards/meetings you attend or chair. There is a meeting tool attached with this email to help you do this.

You can provide feedback through Healthwatch Knowsley’s website or give us a call on 0151 449 3954 and speak to a member of staff.

Housing and Health

The Knowsley Engagement Forum would like to invite community members to an engagement session focussing on the relationship between housing and health. Housing can have a major impact on health with the right home being essential to health and wellbeing in a variety of ways. Public Health England has identified 4 areas to understand the relationship between housing and health;

• A healthy home
• A suitable home
• A stable, secure home
• Healthy communities and neighbourhoods

The session will aim to listen to community members views on the link between housing and health in Knowsley and will contribute to the update of the housing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

The session will take place on Wednesday 27th September 2017, 10am-12pm at the Old School House.

Please circulate the invitation widely among your networks.

If you would like to attend, please contact myself through email or on 0151 449 3954.

Also taking place in the afternoon is North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Service User Forum (formerly 5 Boroughs Partnership)
It will begin at 1pm with lunch from 12.30pm at the Old Schoolhouse, St Johns Road Huyton, L36 0UX

The forum provides an opportunity for service users, carers, their advocates and representatives from third sector organisations to discuss services in Knowsley and any planned developments. The agenda includes “Take it to the Top” an open question and answer session with senior trust leaders. This is an opportunity for us to hear about and ask questions about the range of services delivered in Knowsley including:

• Therapy Services
• Walk In Centres
• Mental Health Services
• Memory Services
• Podiatry
• Falls
• Postural Stability Programme
• Blue Badges
• Wheelchair Service
• Medical Equipment Service
• Continence Service
• End of Life Service

For more information, please contact Dennis Dewar on 01925 664 850 or via email: Dennis.Dewar@nwbh.nhs.uk or Gemma Currall on 01925 664803 Gemma.currall@nwbh.nhs.uk

Council considers £16.8m budget savings – Have your say

Message from Knowsley Council

Due to drastic Government funding cuts, Knowsley Council has had to make £86 million of savings since 2010 and will now have to find another £16.8 million savings over the next three years.

Once again, the Council has reviewed each and every service it provides to see where savings can be made. Substantial savings have already been made in recent years, so it is harder to identify savings that can be made without impacting on services and staff.

A number of savings options have been put forward by all service areas. In many cases, there will be an impact on service delivery and implications for residents and Council employees, with around 100 potential job losses.

Amongst the options being considered are reviewing all Adult Social Care packages to ensure that they are aligned to need (which could mean an increase or decrease in care packages currently received by individuals), stopping the Mobile Library service (the Home Delivery service would continue), recommissioning youth services to focus on targeted services, reducing the Contact Centre and One Stop Shop opening hours (and encouraging residents to contact us online), freeing up resources from the highways maintenance budget, developing Alternative Delivery Models for our Social Care Adults’ Provider Services and our parks and reviewing the buildings from which Children’s Centre services are delivered from.

The full list of savings options can be found on the Council’s website and feedback is being sought from residents before any decisions are made. Once you have reviewed the options, please provide your feedback on the online form on the Council’s website.

The deadline for feedback is Friday, 20 January 2017.

Please note no decisions have been made – the list is just options at this stage and we will assess all options again once the consultation period has ended.

In terms of the next steps, the options will then be considered at Cabinet in February and Council in March. Those options approved will be implemented from 1 April 2017 through to March 2020.

Reply using our website

Local Account – Adult Social Care

Dear Community members,

I hope you can help, we are in the process of developing the Adult Social Care Local Account for 2015/2016. We need to gather as much information as possible about people’s experience of adult social care – good and bad. I know there has been lots done over the last 12 months to gather the views of people who use adult social care services, and I want to make sure we include as much of this as possible in the local account so that it informs our priorities for 2016/2017.

For background, a local account is a type of annual report which explains to residents how well local adult social care is supporting people in their local area. Local accounts are important because they give information about how people are supported and where the Council and its partners are doing well and where they need to get better.

This is the sixth time we have published a local account in Knowsley. We made lots of changes to the local account in previously years because we wanted to make it better. We wanted the local account to be shaped by the public and what they think of adult social care. We worked closely with the Health and Wellbeing Engagement Forum (now Knowsley Engagement Forum), which is a forum that represents lots of public networks who have an interest in health and wellbeing.  By working together we wanted the local account to be influenced by the people who use adult social care services, their families and carers. This year, we want to build on the work undertaken last year, to make this document more user-friendly.

Based upon the discussions with the public, it is likely that the local account will be structured under the following headings:

  • Transition from children to adult services
  • Younger adults
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Physical disability
  • Learning disability
  • Carers
  • Older people
  • Keeping people safe
  • Things affecting everyone

You can help by sending anything which helps us answer these 3 key questions:

  1. What’s been good?
  2. What’s improved in the last 12 months?
  3. What needs to improve in 2016/17?

We would ask you to send anything you might have to Gavin Roberts (Gavin.Roberts@knowsley.gov.uk) or to the postal address below by the 7th October 2016. Please forward this email to anyone you think could help.

The local account will be published in January 2017.
Best Wishes
Gavin Roberts
Senior Analyst – Policy and Partnerships
(0151) 443 2620

Liverpool Women’s Hospital Review – Drop In Session

Monday 15th August 2016, between 3pm – 7pm at Centre 63, Old Hall Lane, Kirkby, L32 5TH

Come along and have your say about the review of services provided by Liverpool Women’s Hospital

The NHS is asking the public to share their views as part of a review of services provided at Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

This engagement will provide information about the reasons why nurses, doctors and midwives believe that changes are necessary and invite people to comment on whether they understand and support the case for change.

Healthwatch Knowsley are holding a session to provide an opportunity for Knowsley Residents to have their say. At 3pm, Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (lead commissioner) will be attending to present the review in more detail and answer any questions.

The session will also provide a drop-in between 3pm—7pm for people to come along and share their views and get involved in the review.

If you are interested in coming along or would like more information about the review, please contact Healthwatch Knowsley:

0151 449 3954 or email: Lee-Ann.Danton@healthwatchknowsley.co.uk

Refreshments are provided free of charge and  transport is available on request please contact us on 0151 449 3954 or Email:


Carers Strategy Group – Thursday 11th August

This session will take place between:

10.30am—12.30pm, at the Old School House,

St. Johns Road, Huyton, L36 0UX

The sessions are specifically for Carers to come along and meet with Healthwatch and Knowsley Council to discuss some of the issues faced by Carers.

At the next session we will be focusing on the Draft Carers Strategy for Knowsley, this will be a great opportunity to share your views and look at how Carers within Knowsley can be supported. We will be looking for your input at developing next steps, as well as looking at the priorities for carers in Knowsley. Please find attached a document with some of the key issues we will be discussing at the next session, as well as a draft version of the strategy for your information.

Your input will be really valuable and attendees from the Knowsley Council Commissioning Team will be in attendance to hear your views. A Carers Assessor will also be attending the coffee morning to answer any questions and discuss any concerns relating to Carers Assessments.

This is an opportunity to have your voice heard and share your experiences as a Carer.

If you have any queries please get in touch with Kelly Hurn on 0151 449 3954 or email kelly.hurn@healthwatchknowsley.co.uk  

If you are unable to attend but would like to provide input into the strategy, please get in touch with Kelly at Healthwatch.

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Consultation


We’re living through the most exciting changes to how England is governed for generations. The Liverpool City Region is one of the few areas that has led the way on ‘devolution agreements’ that will move decision-making on crucial public services like local transport, housing, health and skills training closer to local people.

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority was established in April 2014 and over the last two years, it has achieved a great deal. From £150 million investment in 14 transport improvement schemes, £9 million of Growth Deal funding invested in the International Festival for Business 2016 and Littlewoods Studios (a project that will transform the empty iconic Littlewoods building on Edge Lane into state-of-the-art film studios), through to £21.5 million invested in over 30 projects to enhance current learning facilities or build new ones, along with the identification of key housing and development sites across the region to drive future economic growth, this is just the start!

We made our devolution agreements with Government in November 2015 and March 2016 showing how the Liverpool City Region’s 1.5 million people could benefit from a new kind of local control of vital aspects that impact on the region, their life, the local economy and their future. The initial devolution agreement secured £900 million of funding and identified a number of priority areas where resources and decision making would be devolved from central Government to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and the Liverpool City Region Mayor.

Furthermore, in March 2016, further powers and responsibilities were announced giving the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority additional new powers over transport, piloting the 100% business rates retention approach across the Liverpool City Region, plus working in partnership with the Government on children’s services, health, housing and justice.

In order for devolution to happen under a Mayoral Combined Authority, we need to review the functions and governance arrangements of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.  In addition, we need to set out the specific powers to be devolved from Government to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and directly elected Mayor in a Scheme.  Liverpool City Region Combined Authority won’t be using its proposed powers alone – but rather in partnership with the six local councils (Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, St Helens, Sefton and Wirral), Government officials and other public bodies.

The Review and Scheme have now been published. We now need your views on the legal powers proposed for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority in the Scheme and the associated governance arrangements. We will outline what the proposals are, inform you of where to find more detail if you need it, and ask for your comments.

You can tell us your views on the new devolution powers by completing the online survey.  The closing date for feedback is Friday, 5 August 2016.

Taken from http://www.liverpoolcityregion-ca.gov.uk/

Second Independent Review into PIP

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has commissioned Paul Gray to undertake the second Independent Review of how the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment is working, as required by Section 89 of the Welfare Reform Act 2012. This call for evidence will be one of several methods used to gather information. Evidence submitted will be used to inform a final independent report which will be laid before Parliament.

About this call for evidence

Who this call for evidence is aimed at

This call for evidence is aimed at organisations and individuals who have information that is relevant to how the PIP assessment is operating both for new claims and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) reassessment claims. This includes claims made under the Special Rules for terminally ill people.

We are interested in everyone’s views, so please provide as much evidence as you can on the questions asked in this document. We know that people and organisations will have different levels of experience in the PIP process so do not feel you have to answer questions that are not relevant to you, for example where you do not have personal experience.

Vital Signs Community Consultation

There is still time to take part in our 2016 Community Consultation and have your say about the issues that are affecting your local community.

Share your concerns and ambitions for your community with us and you could win £1000 for the local community group of your choice.


Thank you – The Community Foundation Team

* The closing date for the competition is 29 July 2016. One individual will be drawn at random using random.org and contacted by 30th September 2016. The successful charitable organisation, community group, or social enterprise must be based in Merseyside and constituted in line with our standard grant-making terms and conditions. By entering into this Competition, the parents or guardians of any entrant that is aged under the age of 18 is deemed to have consented to that person’s entry into the Competition and these Rules. The Community Foundation for Merseyside reserves the right to disqualify any entrant to the competition if it has reasonable grounds to believe an entrant has breached any rules or fair play. Only one entry per person is permitted and multiple entries will see you disqualified from the competition.  The Community Foundation accepts no responsibility for any liability or damage which may arise, including lost applications to the competition.

Consultation event for Disabled people, older people and carers.

Knowsley Council and Disabled Go will be holding four consultation events for disabled people, older people, carers and disability organisations to seek your views on the new access guide coming to Knowsley.

The DisabledGo project provides in-depth online access information for 700 venues across Knowsley including shops, restaurants, leisure centres, hotels, libraries, parks, and more which will be available as an on online guide.

The access guide helps increase independence and choice for Disabled people. By providing detailed information on the access features of venues and public spaces Disabled people can make an informed judgment about the suitability of access.

We need Disabled people to help identify a range of places and spaces across Knowsley to include in the access guide.

We are holding three consultations for Disabled people, parents of Disabled children, older people and carers giving them a perfect opportunity to contribute to the project.

If you are interested in work experience opportunities please stay behind to have a chat with the DisabledGo staff member. The opportunity will involve helping a DisabledGo surveyor collect the factual information publish on the DisalbedGo website. More information will be given on the day with a short presentation.

When and where?

  • Wednesday 29th June 10:30am – 12:30pm
  • The big Hall at the Old Schoolhouse, St. Johns Road, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 0UX, http://www.healthwatchknowsley.co.uk/contact/
  • Wednesday 29th June 3:00pm – 4:30pm 
  • Kirkby Leisure Centre, Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby, L32 8SA  https://www.activeknowsley.com/Home/Centres
  • Thursday 30th June 1:00pm – 2:30pm 
  • Halewood Hollies Hall, Hollies Road, Halewood, L26 0TE http://halewoodtowncouncil.gov.uk/contact-us/


Consultation on Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy comments by 28 June 2016

The Independent Chair of Knowsley Health and Wellbeing Board, is pleased to share with you Knowsley’s draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2020.

The Strategy sets out their vision and plans to improve health and wellbeing in the Borough.  They have worked jointly with the public and other stakeholders, supported by Healthwatch and their Engagement Forum to produce this Strategy.

it is hoped that it clearly shows how the Board will oversee improvements in health and wellbeing in Knowsley and describes how they will know that they have made a real impact.  However, they would welcome your thoughts on the draft Strategy.

It is really important they hear your views, so please send your comments by the close of play on 28th June 2016 by emailing hwb@knowsley.gov.uk

Should you have any questions about the draft strategy or the Health and Wellbeing Board, please contact Richard Holford on 0151 443 4992.

Crime and community safety in Knowsley – what matters to you

Knowsley’s community safety partners (including the council, police and registered social landlords to name a few) are currently consulting on their strategic plan, which addresses local issues of crime and community safety.

Following a review of data (including reported crime), the 2016/17 priorities have been identified below, but the council would like to hear from you to ensure these priorities are the ones that matter to you.

Please let the council have your comments by completing the online form, which can be accessed through the link below by 14 June. 2016.


Care Quality Commission – Inspection of North West Ambulance Service

On 23rd May, the Care Quality Commission will be inspecting services provided by North West Ambulance Service, they are keen to hear about your experiences of the following services over the last 12 months:

Ambulance Service
Emergency Ambulances
Patient Transport Service
NHS 111 service

You can share your experience via their website: www.cqc.org.uk/syeNWAS
By email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk
By phone: 03000 616161
By letter: CQC, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA

Or you can share your experience with Healthwatch Knowsley, by calling 0151 449 3954, emailing enquiries@healthwatchknowsley.co.uk or providing feedback online via our website: www.healthwatchknowsley.co.uk


Care Quality Commission – Worked up? Speak up.

Speak up about care for older people

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care services in England. It makes sure health and social care services – including GP surgeries, hospitals, and care homes – provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and encourages care services to improve.

CQC produces reports to help people choose care. In most cases, these include ratings.

In a CQC poll of 2000 adults in England, only 8% of people aged 65 and over say they are likely to make a formal complaint about a health or social care service. In comparison, more than double (21%) of the general adult population say they are likely to make a formal complaint.

CQC’s Worked up? Speak Up campaign wants older people to speak up and share their experiences of care. By providing CQC with feedback, confidentially if you wish, you will help improve the overall quality of care in England. Your feedback could help CQC prevent poor care and abuse happening to others in the future.

How to speak up

For more information, or to share your experiences with CQC visit www.cqc.org.uk or call on 03000 616161


Aintree Hospital – Healthwatch Listening Event

Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Healthwatch Liverpool, Healthwatch Sefton and Healthwatch Knowsley are inviting patients, the public and staff to share their views and experiences of hospital services.

Where: The event will take place on Tuesday 19th April at Aintree Hospital

When: between 10am and 4pm.

Patients and visitors who wish to share their views of the Trust – both good and bad – will be able to talk to representatives from the local independent patient champions Healthwatch, who will then share feedback with the Trust.

Sarah Thwaites, Healthwatch Liverpool manager, said: “As individual patients, we sometimes assume that what we think about services doesn’t matter; that no-one wants to hear. Nothing could be further from the truth.  If you have had great care – staff deserve to know.

“If there was something that could or should have been better, then speaking up lets the Trust know where it can improve. Either way, other patients benefit if you speak up.  Healthwatch can help you to do this – anonymously if you prefer.”

Healthwatch Knowsley will have stands in the main foyer of the hospital. We will also visit wards to speak with patients and visitors


Whiston & St Helens Hospital – Patient Focus Group – Living with and Beyond Cancer

Whiston and St Helens Hospital are holding a Patient Focus Group on Thursday 21st April 2016 at 4pm in Seminar Room 1, Quality & Risk, Lower Ground Floor, Nightingale House. The session will look specifically at Living with and Beyond Cancer, the session will be presented by Diane Deardon, Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse, St Helens and Knowsley NHS Teaching Trust. The group will look at the following:

•      Living with and Beyond Cancer
•      What patients should expect as part of their care and recovery.
•      A view of the services provided in St Helens & Knowsley Trust

If you are interested in attending or would like to find out more information, please contact Michael Vacara, Interim Patient Experience Manager on 0151 290 4136 or email Michael.Vacara@sthk.nhs.uk


CQC Inspection Promotion (8th March) – Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Univ Hospital NHS FT

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England.  We inspect places like hospitals, care homes and GP surgeries to make sure they meet standards of quality and safety. We then publish a report for each one, including giving them a rating.

The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust Inspection takes place in March 2016. 

We want to hear peoples experiences (good, bad or mixed) of people using Trust hospital services in the last 12 months. This is useful to us as it helps to build up a picture of current performance before going into the Trust. It may influence where and how we decide to inspect.

1.Liverpool Listening Event(Tues 8th March 2016)

Patients and families who have used the Trust acute services can come to our Liverpool Listening Event at the Gateway Conference Centre, 71 London Rd, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 8HY on Tuesday 8th March 2016 (6.00pm – 7.30pm).

We will give a 10 minute overview about the Liverpool Inspection process and will answer any questions. Then there will be table discussions where people can share their experiences (whether good, bad or mixed) in groups with an Inspector and can suggest where they would like to see the Trust make improvements. These experiences are important as the Inspection Team will consider them when deciding where and how they will inspect.

Liverpool Listening Event website link

The website link below which gives details of venue details and a map; a link to log any special requirements (e.g. for a translator); and sign up to receive alerts when we publish our inspection report.


2.Many ways to share experiences

We are keen to speak to people at the Trust Stall to hear their experiences. But if they are unable to attend or don’t want to they can still share their experience in the following ways…

  • Visiting CQC website link: www.cqc.org.uk/yourexperience      
  • Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk
  • Letter: CQC, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA
  • Phone: 03000 61 61 61
  • In person: The Inspection Team will be speaking to patients when on site during the course of the inspection to get their views.

Many thanks for your help

Colin Potter

Senior Regional Public Engagement & Involvement Officer – North Region

CQC Strategy 2016/2021 – Help shape the future of health and adult social care regulation

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is now carrying out the final stage of consultation on its strategy for 2016-2021. The strategy will set out our proposals for developing the way we work to make sure we are flexible and responsive to the changing health and social care landscape, and continue to serve the interests of people who use those services.

Following the publication of the strategy consultation document on 11 January, we will be seeking the views of members of the public and representatives from public organisations at a number of events. These will provide an opportunity for you to explore some of the strategy proposals and give us feedback.





If you would like to attend one of the above events then please register on our events page

Spaces at the workshops are limited and will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis. However, if you are unable to secure a place at one of the workshops you will still be able to contribute your views via a web form and we will also be hosting a range of other engagement activities online and via social media using the hashtag #cqcstrategy.

Further Information

The CQC strategy consultation document will be published on 11 January and will be available on the events page.

To view our previous strategy, ‘Raising standards, putting people first 2013-16’, or the October strategy signposting document ‘Building on strong foundations’, or to find out more about the work of the CQC, please click here.

CQC has commissioned Glasgows Event Management to run this series of strategy consultation events. If you need help to register, or you would like to speak to a member of the events team, please email cqcstrategy@glasgows.co.uk or telephone 01772 767731

Be part of #SENDreams 2016

Here at SENDirect we are running a Christmas campaign to highlight the difficulties families face in accessing the services and support in the community they need to live happy and inclusive lives.

We are asking families to tell us what adjustments and support providers of services – and by this we mean every day experiences like shops and hairdressers too – could make to include them as well as everyone else who takes those things for granted.

We will be using #SENDreams2016 over the next two months to talk about these issues – it would be great to see you joining in!

Last year we spoke directly to parents, professionals and providers about their experiences around access to local services and support. Our research showed that there is a huge gulf between the experiences of parents, professionals and providers providers so we wanted to find out why.

We have been working closely with a group of interns to carry out research around the choices available to families in Local authorities. We’ve also focused on what families have told us through social media, blogging and searches through the site.

Since our launch in January we’ve had over 52,000 visitors to the site and we’ve analysed their searches alongside our national audits around childcare sufficiency, access to personal budgets and short breaks, and have made some interesting findings.

These findings will be included in our ‘State of the Nation’ report next February – but we would also like to hear from you! If you would you like to share your experiences as a provider for children and young people with additional needs, you can complete our short survey around provision of services and products. The results from the survey will be used to help shape our report, and influence provision at local and national level.

If you have any questions about the survey, get in touch or call 020 7608 870

Knowsley Health and Wellbeing Board would like your views on what you think are the priority health and wellbeing needs in the borough.

Over the last 12 months, the Board through its partners has been developing its Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which identifies key issues affecting the health and wellbeing of local people, both now and in the future.  This has been developed  from research and analysis of a wide range of information and data, as well as service user and community views.

Topic and population based JSNA reports have been published with the next step being to identify a small number of health and wellbeing priorities.

It is really important for us to hear your views, as the priorities contained in the JSNA will inform the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and help shape future Health and Social Care services and plans.

Please can you complete the survey at:  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/JSNA2015

The short survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

The end date for the survey is the 10th January 2016.

When completing the survey and deciding upon priority needs, please base your answers on your own knowledge and experience of the local community.  If you feel that you want more information to inform your answers, detailed JSNA reports are available at www.knowsleyknowledge.org.uk

Please feel free to pass on to friends.  Should you require the survey in paper form, please click here.