Learning Disabilities England – Family Webinars

Know your rights: Visiting During Covid

15th September at 10am

This webinar is being ran by the British Institute of Human Rights and will be helping us think about the human rights of people with learning disabilities who live in residential care homes or supported living. We know that throughout the pandemic some people have been unable to have visitors or go out. This webinar will use human rights to help us think about what visiting policies are proportionate and how we can challenge policies that aren’t


Planning for the future

LDE in partnership with Together Matters are running two workshops on support for family carers to make plans for the future. This has always been a big worry for family carers and even more so after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Planning for the future

22nd September 2020 at 10am


Session 1 will be an introduction to planning for the future based on the Thinking Ahead guides going through the different parts of the jigsaw that help families to have conversations and take steps in the areas important to them as a family.

Planning for emergencies

2nd October at 10am


The second workshop will build on the first one with a focus on making a plan for emergencies. It will cover the gathering of essential information and how to begin to develop a network of people who might be able to help out.