Carers Personalised Break Scheme fund launched

The Carers Personalised Break Scheme

What is it?

  • The scheme aims to provide a personalised break for carers from their caring role and responsibilities.
  • This can include services and products that will improve a carer’s quality of life.


Who is it for?

  • The carer supports a person who is resident of Knowsley MBC (the carer does not need to be a resident).
  • That the carer is aged 18 yrs or over. This includes people aged 18 years and over who are the formal carers of disabled children.
  • There can be only one application per cared for person.The application will be for the primary carer only. If Joint carers then make a joint application and the award will be split


What is it for?

The definition of a carers break is set out below and has been endorsed by the Carers Partnership Board.


A break from caring is different for each person and can change over time and circumstances.

It is time away from the physical, practical and emotional part of caring. This can be anything from 1 hour to several weeks to give time to rest, or a chance to experience new things.

A break can be any activity that gives time away from their caring responsibilities, in any location that they choose. This can be time for themselves, with the person they care for, with family or friends.

For a full explanation of how to access this fund you can download the guide and the application form below: –

Carers Break Scheme Fund Guide

Application Form

For a word version of the application form please email