Improving Lives Impact Showcase
This page is a ‘shop window’ to showcase our impact and share case studies.
The best way to hear how our activities and community education programmes impact people’s lives is to listen directly to the people.
Case Studies
J lived with his mother and when she died recently he was able to voice his desire to remain at home with some support. He worked with his social worker to arrange for a friend who also has LD to move in and share the accommodation, bills, etc. as well as provide companionship.
M completed the BIG Pathway course and went on to secure a job in a café in Liverpool and is now thinking about moving into her own apartment.
T’s confidence improved through the BIG Group to the extent that he has a paid cleaning job and has been elected as a member of the LCR Fairness and Social Justice Advisory Board.
A completed the Managing my Money course resulting in her being promoted in her voluntary role to take customer payments and operate the till.
Support Networks and Family
I am a carer for my daughter M, who is forty four and lives with me. During the pandemic she had no P.A’s coming to the house, nor any social contact with any of her friends. M has Spina Bifida, Epilepsy and learning difficulties, and is clinically vulnerable. She is normally a happy, bubbly person who loves socialising with her friends, going to music events, and is enthusiastic about trying new things.
During lockdown I was really worried about her as I could see her becoming quiet and withdrawn. I felt in keeping her physically safe away from other people I was damaging her mental health, depriving her of normal social interaction. Then, while chatting on the phone with another carer, I discovered that Knowsley Disability Concern had initiated Zoom meetings. This was to provide a platform for people with special needs to take part in activities, and to chat with others who shared their social isolation. M now had something to look forward to each week, and she really blossomed, embracing the new concept and challenge of Zoom, and thriving.
I feel, as Covid restrictions are easing, there are so many people who still need these online sessions to continue, to eradicate the loneliness and depression of isolation which is all to common these days. With cuts in funding for social care this is a resource which should not be allowed to cease due to funding shortfalls. It should continue to build on its success to become a valuable asset for the community.
C, carer
M, daughter with special needs
Members of the BIG Group taking part in the Cheshire Merseyside Vision. Jessica and Richard share their thoughts
Members of BIG Group taking part in the North West Regional Forum 2020
Creative Writing through the Stories project
Below are links to creative writing from members who were inspired to write their own stories after joining in the KDC Stories Reading Group.
Anthony’s story
John’s story
Mark’s story