At Knowsley Disability Concern, we depend on your support and trust in us as we work towards a world of communities where all people with disabilities are included, live independently and are valued as equal citizens.
To do this we need to ensure that the personal data we store gives you the information that you need, in the ways that you want to receive it.
A new law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), comes into action on May 25 2018 and gives you more control than ever before over your data and how organisations use it.
You can read all about these new regulation on the Information Commissioners site here
We are asking our supporters to let us know what personal information they want us to hold and how we contact you to update you on news and events about direct payments, personal health budgets, managed accounts and information we feel is beneficial to people in receipt of social care or of interest to the disabled community. We want to give you the opportunity to simply choose the options that suit you.
We promise to keep your details safe and secure, and never sell your data.
Please get in touch to let us know how you would like to be contacted and how we hold your data on 0151 480 4090 or email
KDC will also be contacting supporters and clients to give them an opportunity to update contact preferences.
KDC values your ongoing support. Thank you.