Outcome Focused Reviews Booklet to complete before the review Name 2 Completing this booklet This booklet is to help you to prepare for your review. It is to help you think about what is working and working for you, so that you can talk about this in your review. The focus of the review is on your outcomes - the things that are most important for you to achieve in your life. What are outcomes? By outcomes, we mean the things that are most important for you to achieve in your life. These might be big changes such as moving house, or smaller but important things such as making sure that you are able to get up in the morning at the time that suits you. An outcome might also be to keep something the same that you don’t want to change - such as being able to keep the house and garden well-maintained. If you get help from social services, you will normally have a care or support plan. A good support plan will make clear the outcomes you want to achieve and show how this is going to happen. What is a review? A review is a check that you are getting the support you need to live your live, and that you are safe and well. It is also a check that you still need the support. Usually someone working for your local council visits you to carry out the review. This should happen at least once a year. The review should look at the whole of your life, not just the services that you use. It needs to look 3 at how the money the council spends on your support is being used. If you get a personal budget from the council, this money should be used to help you achieve the outcomes that are important for you. A personal budget can be used to pay for services or you may get the money yourself as a direct payment. An outcome focused review checks whether the outcomes have been achieved. It is a chance to say what is and is not working. The review is also a chance to make changes. As a result of the review, your support arrangements may need to change. You may need more support and a higher personal budget. Or your needs could have reduced, in which case you may no longer need a personal budget. Review booklet You can use the review booklet as the basis for a conversation about your life – how it has improved and what needs to be put into place to make it even better. It should focus on the outcomes which were identified in the previous support plan. The booklet can be filled in by you or by the council. It is designed to be typed using a computer, and extra space can be added if needed. If you want to fill it in by hand, ask for a version with more space. The council should make sure you have a copy of the completed review form. Using the review booklet How is your personal budget helping you to achieve your outcomes? Complete the first column of the table headed Personal outcomes. In the first column of the table write down all the outcomes that you wanted to achieve. These may have been recorded in your care or support plan. But record anything that it is important to you. Some headings are provided in the table to help you put your outcomes into categories. Some may not be relevant for you. The table on the next page may help you decide which heading to use. Your council might use other headings instead. Complete the sections headed ‘What is working’ and ‘What is not working’. Write down anything important that is working well or not working as well as you hoped. If there are any changes you want to make, write these in the last column. What are the views of your family and other people who support you? Members of your family can fill in this section. It can be used to explain what is working or not working from their perspective. How have you spent your personal budget? Use this section to write a list of how your personal budget has been spent. Your top three personal outcomes Use this section of the booklet to write down the top three personal outcomes that you wanted to achieve. For each of these tick one box to say whether or not the outcome has been achieved. Tick the box marked ‘Yes - helped towards it’ if you feel that you have been able to make good progress towards the outcome, but it has not yet been fully achieved. Have your support needs changed? Use this section to record any big changes - for example new things where you need support, or things that you no longer need help with. What needs to change in your support plan? This section is about the future. You can use it to say what you would to happen in the future, and three things that you want to achieve in the next year. Actions You will think about what actions you want to take during the review. You can use the space in the booklet to make notes on any actions that you would like to take. Preparing for your review The review will be better if you and the council have done some planning before it takes place. For example: • It will be useful to be clear about the outcomes you wanted to achieve, and which were the three most important for you. • Think about what is working and not working for you. • Make sure that there is enough time allowed to do the review so you and the council can talk through any problems you are having. • Think about whether any family members need to take part in the review. If a member of your family is caring for you, the Council will need to check how things are working from their point of view. The council may need to speak to your family separately. • If you have a personal budget from the council, it is a good idea to have information to hand about how the money is being used. Outcome category Community Life: Leisure, Learning and Work Managing Money Family and Relationships Choices and Changes Living Safely and Taking Risks This could include Using local amenities Going on holiday Practicing your religion Getting a qualification Doing a job Doing voluntary work Keeping on top of household bills Making sure you are getting benefits or pensions Keeping track of your personal budget Keeping in touch with your family and friends Looking after your children or other relatives Getting to make new friends Making sure that people know what you want Being able to tell Carers how you want them to help you Making decisions Making sure that you are safe Making sure that you are not being harmed or bullied by other people Having the change to do new things Using aids and equipment so you can feel safe and do things for yourself Outcome category Health and Well- Being Everyday Tasks This could include Getting the right medical treatment Getting enough exercise Eating well Feeling good about yourself and your life Personal care Getting up and going to bed Practical tasks around the house Getting around Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Community Life: leisure, learning and work Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Managing money Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Family and relationships Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Choices and changes Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Living safely and taking risks Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Health and well being Personal Outcomes Working? Not working and why? How would you like from your support plan this to change? Everyday tasks From others perspectives Perspective Working and why? Not working and why? Support plan and budget review How has your support plan improved the quality of your life? How have you spent your budget? What is important to you now? If this has changed since your support plan What do you want for the future? If this has changed since your support plan What are the top 3 priorities for next year? 1. 2. 3. Have your support needs changed? Based on this information, do you think that your support plan needs to change? (updated within existing allocation or reassess and review budget allocation) Any comments? Anything that you want to say/record has not been covered? Actions to be completed at your review What is the action? Who will do this? By when? Thinking back to the top 3 most important outcomes from your support plan, has the way you used your money achieved them? 1. 2. 3. Yes, helped towards it No Yes Date of next review ................................................................................ Person responsible the next review ................................................................................ Person’s signature ................................................................................ Reviewer’s signature ................................................................................ Date ................................................................................ Booklet developed by HSA